
Welcome to Denny and David's virtual plant collection! There are many interesting plants in this blog. Feel free to leave any comments or ask any questions. All these plants were collected from the Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden at UCLA. The map below shows the general areas where we collected each specimen. Thank you for your interest and we hope you enjoy our presentation

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Willow Myrtle

Common Name: Willow Myrtle

Scientific Name: Agonis flexuosa 

Date Collected: April 15th, 2011

Location: Collected at Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden at UCLA on a hill close to the main entrance.

Nativity: A. flexuosa is a plant native to south eastern Australia.
Habitat: This plant grows in the sand plains of Austalia. It grows best in full sun and a more alkaline soil. This plant grows best in sandy, poor soils.

Special notes: Agonis flexuosa is also knows the pepper mint tree because the leaves of Agonis flexuosa give a peppermint smell when crushed. This plant also has a long "weeping" foliage (plant leaves) that can grow as long as 15 meters. This plant is grown in many places because of its ability to grow in poor soils.

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