
Welcome to Denny and David's virtual plant collection! There are many interesting plants in this blog. Feel free to leave any comments or ask any questions. All these plants were collected from the Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden at UCLA. The map below shows the general areas where we collected each specimen. Thank you for your interest and we hope you enjoy our presentation

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Douglas Iris

Common Name: Douglas Iris

Scientific Name: Iris douglasiana

Date Collected: April 15th, 2011

Location: Collected at Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden at UCLA near the upper portion of the garden. It was found near other plants native to California.

Nativity: The Douglas Iris is endemic to the the Pacific Coast, from Santa Barbara to California to central Oregon.

Habitat: I. douglasiana grows along the coastal region. It is found commonly on bluffs and open meadows with abundant sunlight.

Special Notes: Many farmers consider the Douglas Iris as a noxious weed. These plants are unpalatable to grazing animals and often grow in large clumps which inhibit the growth of other grasses and plants. Native Americans also used this plant for many different purposes. For example, they made ropes from the fibers and several different medicines from the roots and leaves to cure almost everything, from dizziness to toothache to kidney pain



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