
Welcome to Denny and David's virtual plant collection! There are many interesting plants in this blog. Feel free to leave any comments or ask any questions. All these plants were collected from the Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden at UCLA. The map below shows the general areas where we collected each specimen. Thank you for your interest and we hope you enjoy our presentation

Friday, April 22, 2011

San Diego Barrel Cactus

Common Name: San Diego Barrel Cactus

Scientific Name: Ferocactus viridescens

Date Collected: April 15th, 2011

Location: Collected at Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden at UCLA in the desert plant collection.

Nativity: The San Diego barrel cactus is endemic to California and Baja California.

Habitat: The San Diego barrel cactus grows in rocky coastal bluffs, chaparral, and shrub hillsides between 0-200 meters in elevation. Like other succulents, this cactus can grow in loamy and very dry soils, and in cultivation, can be grown in well drained soils such as pumice, clay, and lava grit.

Special Notes: F. viridescens is currently listed as an endangered species due to the effects of grading for urban development.


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